Site: Camp Hiawatha
All ages
Cost: Dorm Rate per night : $115, Retreat Center Room per night $75 Meals: Breakfast $10 per person per day, Lunch $12 per person per day, Dinner $15 per person per day for adults (meals are half of adult price for ages 4-11)

Flex Family Camp is spending time together in the beauty of the north woods. This program gives the opportunity to choose dates that work best for your family. Want to come for 2 days, 3 days, or up to 6 days? The choice is up to you!

Flex Family Camp provides the opportunity for your family to enjoy Camp Hiawatha on your own terms.  Pick your dates of arrival.  Pick your length of stay.  Eat on your own or enjoy our food service.  Enjoy optional daily programmed activities like bible studies, arts & crafts, games, and campfire. OR… do your own thing! Bring your boat. Explore town. Explore God’s Great Northwoods. It’s all your choice. Contact our office to book your dates. 

To register for Dates during Flex Family Camp please fill out the registration Inquiry Form, email vlm@vlmcamps.org directly, or call our main office at 800-331-5148

Questions? Please email or call us.


While our staff plan a variety of activities during Family Camp, nothing is “required attendance”. We want to have activities for all, but invite family members to join in on those things that interest them most. If your cup is filled by spending the afternoon sitting on the beach, we hope you will do so. Need a nap in a hammock? Please take it! Like to be active and plan to join in on all games, crafts, and other activities then we will have options for you. And, each family member can jump in on the things that interest them most.

Bible study each day is generally done by age groups. Our summer staff will lead activities and conversations for the children and youth, while a guest study leader will engage adults in digging into a daily text or topic. Worship experiences are planned for the entire family, with songs and messages that everyone can enjoy.


Day 1

3-5 - Registration

5:15 -Welcome and Introductions

5:30 - Supper

6:30 – Family activity

7:30 - Snack or Canteen

8:00 - Campfire

8:45 - Family Time, Board Games, Bed

Days 2-5

8:00 - Breakfast

9:15 - Morning Worship followed by Bible study

12:00 - Lunch

1:15 - Afternoon activities - Swimming, Canoeing, Crafts, Games, Nature activities, Canteen, etc.

5:30 - Dinner

6:30 - Family Activity

8:00 - Campfire

8:45 - Family Time, Board Games, Bed

Final day

8:45 - Bible Study

10:00 - Brunch

11:00 - Closing Worship

12:00 - Head for home - thanks for coming!

The program for the full week family camp is designed for a Sunday-Friday stay.  We welcome and invite families to join us for all or part of the week as their schedule allows.

Molly Conover

Molly is a freelance multi-disciplinary designer and content strategist based in Duluth, MN. With over a decade of experience in web and graphic design, she’s passionate about helping businesses create authentic, impactful brands. When she’s not designing, Molly loves solving creative challenges and collaborating with others to bring fresh ideas to life.


BWCAW Canoe Camp