Site: Camp Hiawatha
Cost: Varies by selection(rates below)
Gather together to experience the 37th Annual NEMN Synod Assembly
"Make Us One" with other rostered and lay leaders from our Synod at Camp Hiawatha! Enjoy the speakers, conversations, and business of the synod from the beauty of God's Great Northwoods!
Options for day-only, one and two night overnight
$30/night lodging for shared housing (dorm)
$45/night lodging for guaranteed individual lodging (dorm or RC)
Continental breakfast included in registration
Meal pricing: $10 lunch, $15 dinner
Camp will provide:
Gathering space to view the assembly together (either in the RC or Chapel, dependent on group size)
Unlimited coffee; internet connection; opportunity to engage in conversation and fellowship
Beauty of the northwoods
Food options
Optional weather-dependent recreation opportunities (hiking, canoeing/paddle boarding, hammocking, yard games
Tentative Schedule:
Friday April 26:
Arrive any time after 4pm
Dinner at 6:30pm
Optional Fellowship Activities: games, conversation, campfire, sauna
Saturday April 27:
6:30-7:30am Coffee and Continental Breakfast Available (some light snacks and coffee will remain available throughout the day)
7:30-3:30 Synod Assembly! Exact schedule TBD from the Synod Office.
Lunch around 12pm
3:30-5:30pm Rest, Rejuvenate and Relax at Camp!
5:30pm Dinner
Optional Fellowship Activities: games, conversation, campfire, sauna
Sunday April 28:
6:30-8:30 Continental breakfast and coffee available
8:00 am Optional Morning Devotion and Closing Time
Enjoy more personal renewal at Camp; Depart by 11am
To register, you may also download the registration form on our resources page or call the camp office at (800) 331-5148.